Saturday, February 19, 2011

Learning about me

Programming Background:

I have worked on C++ and Fortran back in 2000 when I was in Physics school mostly to evaluate expressions.
I am currently taking Java and C#( visual programming) in Chapman and I am very excited with both languages.

Web Design:

About a year now, me and a team of a few more people are constructing websites for a variety of businesses (many hotels) or individuals. We are using html, javascripts, flash, java, Google API and we are continuously progressing on the quality of our work, while doing lots of research and trying to keep up with the continuously evolving market.
Here are a few of our sites: (They are all Greek Sites)
In general I do a little bit of everything on the technical part; coding, graphic design, and of course a lot on the business part (advertisement, networking, planning, finances etc)
The last two months we are also offering online advertisement to all of our customers, including facebook, twitter, Utube channels, myspace, orkut, blogs and of course Google adds.

Computer Background:

  Probably you wouldn't be wrong if you called me a computer geek. Computers have been a hobby since I was 8 years old (I am 29 now) . I've been putting together my computers and repaired hundreds of computers over the years, handling hardware or software issues, for friends or for some extra cash.

Excel and Access:

I've been using excel for years now and in my daily life too, for statistics, expenses, organization on my businesses, for my classes, assignments and wherever I can consider it could be helpful.
As far as access I haven't used it for a couple of years now but at some point I was pretty good at it.

The Internet

Since the earliest years of the internet I fell in love with the idea, networking for personal relationships or exchange of information, I really believed in it. Kinda funny I also believed in Google a lot and was from the first few thousands that registered for a g-mail account, when it became open to the public. Saying that, Google is probably one of my favorite companies and I am trying to follow up with their continuous contributions.


  1. Thanks for the information on your extensive involvement with computing...but it seems to be technical, not managerial, in orientation.

    For example, part of my consulting is with websites (forgive me, but I'm not going to look at your Greek ones)--not how to construct them, but how to delight people who access them and how to help market the website (SEO)....I hope this course can help fill in some of those business/managerial blank spots....

  2. Yes, I didn't talk about SEO but of course is something that we continuously try to become better. We also started providing online advertisement to our customers and to any other type of organization or individual.
    Oh btw, when I mentioned that those sites are Greek I said so because some might have a Greek homepage and it could be surprising. They all have an option to change to English, at least (some have French and Italian).
    So give as a few hits :)
    I believe you will like them.
    Thank you
