Saturday, February 19, 2011

My impressions on the Course

   After I said a few things about myself I guess it's a good time to express some of my thoughts regarding the course. To be honest I did not know what was it all about but just because of the title "Computer Information Systems" I was already excited about it; I love computers and knowledge/Information.

   And of course I was on the right track because since day one I am really excited not just from the teaching material but also about by your teaching style, the organization/structure of the course (slides, tech reports) and in general I have learned many things already.
    Due to my close relationship with business (my parents are pharmacist and owners and I also had my few entrepreneurial years before I attend Chapman) and my computer background, I naturally know a lot of the material. But on the other hand even these few classes, have greatly assisted in connecting numerous ideas and processes that were scattered in my head. For example the idea of Information Systems connects numerous things regarding my understanding of databases, business networking, customer service and customer satisfaction, profitability through information systems. The Virtual Company is an idea that I am trying to implement for some time now (We are in the process of creating an online store that will sell the best products/deals in electronics from the online market, interesting commercial/business news and technology news in Greece) and the information that you have provided has clarified numerous aspects and assisted in my own planning. In other terms I will know how to do things better when this course is done.
    I have no doubt about the convenience of IS/IT (you preached about them the first day of class) and about their contribution in the present and the future of businesses, services and societies as a whole.

   I ll honestly say after this class has started, I am creating a database of our customers and our customers' customers and soon we will construct a facebook-like site to promote networking, advertisement and create value for everyone in the network. (You emphasized a lot on the significance of this and you are right)

    Also around the summer,  I want to come up with a complete IS/IT proposal, train my team,  implement a nice IS package solution and market it.

    I love win-win situations and IS is one of them! Also I am going to paraphrase Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, who referring in cloud computing, mentioned that all these years humans are mostly serving computers; development, errors, etc. It's about time that computers will actually do what we really need and serve humanity) I believe that IS are IT are very relative to this approach.

1 comment:

  1. Christos, again, thank you for the additional background. I think taking this course is a win-win for us; hopefully you will come away with valuable insights and suggestions, and I am already benefitting from learning of you background, interests, and ways that you are and will put IS and IT to work for you, your family, and your business interests....
